What can I deliver in 30 days ?

This morning I was reading Joel Spolsky’s BOS forum when I came across this interesting post from Patrick Mc Kenzie : Launching app in a month — any contemporaries?

Patrick’s post inspired me to start this little blog where I will save my diary (I promise that I won’t bore you with what type of cereals I had yesterday or which movie I watched last night), I’ve always been reluctant in having a blog since I’m not an amazing writer and  English is not my native language. But after checking wordpress and realising that it does not take more than 5 minutes setting up a blog on WordPress (BTW it’s my first blogging experience) . I’ve decided  to get started

I doubt I will be able to ship my application in one month, but my goal is to make more progress in 30 days than in the last past 4 months. The last past 4 months were a bit overwhelming for me since I’ve made the switch from a steady full time job to being a Freelance Developer. So today I’m pretty much a consulting-ware shop who would like to generate more income through the sales of a software product.  Beside work I also intend to maintain a sane lifestyle : I’m a family man with a wife and two adorable kids (2 years old and 2 months old) that requires some time and attention

In my next posts I will write a bit more about the application I will be developing.

Do pray for me so this blog do not turn into a Mental Procrastination process instead of Mental Procreation process 😉



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One Comment on “What can I deliver in 30 days ?”

  1. Mark Smith Says:

    I just started reading a book called “why work sucks and how to fix it” all about the ROWE process Best Buy has implemented (Results Only Work Environment) in their corporate offices – essentially allowing employees to work whenever they want to, at their peak.

    It might be a good time for you to check this out, especially with the family man bit (I am a single father with a son) and not let the “make more progress in 30 days than in the last past 4 months” become a slave driving factor. The “focusing on results only” bit can easily increase your output on its own.

    Another GREAT book in this vein is Tim Ferriss’ “The Four Hour Workweek” – on my all time top five reading list.

    Sounds like a cool project, I look forward to following your progress!

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